Modern Rose Bush Varieties And Colours
Choosing the Right Rose for You
Buying A Rose Bush
If you are a beginner rose gardener then it would probably be best to buy already well established plants as they are stronger, their roots are already well established in potting soil and they both settle quicker and grown sooner then buying bare root roses. If you are also unsure about where you would like to grow your roses, you can buy potted ones which can be moved around the garden until you have made up your mind.
Buying bare-root plants are often favoured by the more establish gardeners as they offer the opportunity to get a larger selection of roses and are easier to transport and store until they will be planted. The disadvantage of this type of plant is that they will require more know-how and gentle care to ensure that they reanimate and are planted without damaging the exposed roots which will be required to be soaked overnight before planting. With bare-root roses the soil needs to be kept moist for the first few months after planting.